Step 3: Verbalize

Step 3: Verbalize

This means say it out loud.  There are so many benefits to doing so but here I will focus on two.

Most of us are familiar with the idea of “learning style”.  The term tends to refer to preferred sensory modality: auditory, visual or tactile. Learning style does include other factors which we will have to discuss another time.  The teacher’s lesson planning is an aside to the main point of the sages’ steps.  What NLP teaches is that the visual learner can connect better to auditory content when visual words are used e.g. “Do you see what I am saying?” vs. “Can you feel it?” or “Do you hear my point?”

What the Verbalize step offers is the opportunity for the learner to take responsibility for their own success in learning and it is THIS point that we are trying to add to the curriculum in our quest for lifelong learners, not improved lesson planning but rather improved ownership of learning by the learner.  The student should know how to be an accomplished and independent learner.  By saying out loud the learner benefits from both the auditory and tactile modalities, and if what is being said is read off a textbook or notes, then the visual modality is included as well.  Their listening is also more concrete than merely listening to an inner dialogue would be. Which brings us to the next benefit…

You are more likely to catch mistakes when you speak out loud.  Have you ever said to yourself, “that doesn’t sound right” and corrected yourself?  Then you have experienced this benefit.

It doesn’t matter if you have the whole class chanting the class rules or the fifty states and their capitals together, or you teach the students to chant individually at home, the benefit is the same.  It is truly a fascinating experience to see a Jewish study hall in session.  Unlike a secular library where silence is de rigueur, here everyone studies out loud.  Some learn independently, some with partners and some in groups.  These students actually have an easier time concentrating because of all the practice they get tuning out neighboring study groups while they study their own learning materials.

It can be challenging to use the Verbalize tool on all academic content. 

What learning would you consider important enough to utilize the Verbalize tool on?



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